How to Install
°bootcap® is easy to install at home with no additional tools needed. Watch or read the instructions below and then get to the mountain to shred. Your toes will thank you.
Fitting Your °bootcap®
All orders ship with both a left and right °bootcap®. To determine which is which, ensure that the logos are on the outermost edges when installed.

Step-by-Step Instructions
For best results we recommended working on one boot at a time in a room temperature environment, following these simple installation instructions:

Step 1
Gather items needed:
(A) Left & right °bootcap® (B) spacing jig (C) marker
Note: Logos should be on outermost area of left and right °bootcap® when installed.

Step 2
Thoroughly clean the toe of the boot using isopropyl or rubbing alcohol. Once clean, place spacing jig above toe lug. This is the space needed to keep the °bootcap® clear of contact with the ski binding

Step 3
Before removing the protective layer from the adhesive, place the °bootcap® where it makes contact evenly and mark the back edges of the °bootcap® so it can guide you when applying.

Step 4
View guide marks

Step 5
Apply pressure by running your fingers along the two strips to ensure a firm bond between the foam and adhesive. Once bonded, peel off the protective layers of the adhesive tape exposing the tacky side.

Step 6
Follow the marks you made and match the center of the °bootcap® to the center of the boot toe. Press firmly on the top section first and extend pressure to the outer edges of the °bootcap®. Then press around the lower part of the bootcap to the corners. Massage the entire bootcap with firm pressure for one minute to ensure all gaps have as much contact as possible.
Installation FAQ's & Troubleshooting
No. it is okay if it does but there will most likley be a gap between the Spacing Jig and the bottom edge of the °bootcap®.The Spacing Jig is used to indicate the area/space above the lug of your ski boot where the °bootcap® should NOT be placed. The area in which the Spacing Jig covers is where the ski binding needs to make contact with the ski boot. The cap should NOT encroach in this area.
Yes. The logos should be on the outermost side of each °bootcap® when installed. See image for reference
Try using a heat gun or hair dryer to warm the back of the adhesive for just 5 seconds before peeling off. Heating the adhesive before peeling will allow it to come off more easily and without tearing.
No. Once the °bootcap® has been installed, it is meant to remain on the boot for the life of the °bootcap®.

Still Have Questions?
Get in Touch
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about installing °bootcap® on your boots.